Born and raised in the south, Linda Apple writes from her soul and speaks from her heart. Linda’s novels in her Moonlight Mississippi Series flow from her deep southern roots and the heritage instilled in her since childhood. Her fiction is influenced from the times spent with loved
ones, friends, or even total strangers. Memories of stories told over a table laden with food and yarns spun while sipping sweet iced tea under the shade of a Mimosa tree fuel her imagination. Evening conversations on the front porch spoken over coffee, wine, perhaps something a little
stronger or the comfortable silence shared while listening to the din of cicada and tree frog song in the thick, magnolia-perfumed air, all find a home in her books.

As a result of Linda’s respect for her heritage, she also writes nonfiction to help others to preserve theirs. Her books, Writing Life and Writing from Your Soul are focused on people who do not consider themselves writers. She wrote these books to be unintimidating by making the chapters short and easy to understand. They are also full of ideas and tips.

Linda is the grandmother of fourteen grandchildren. As a fun way of teaching them important life-lessons and skills she has written early reader chapter books where Winston, her Scottish terrier, lends a paw to help children identify and deal with daily problems by sharing his own. Each book has ten stories conveying valuable lessons and providing discussion questions to delve deeper into Winston’s experiences and what he learned. Kids of all ages love it! Even those kids pushing 90.

Of course, being a Southerner, Linda loves to talk. Public speaking seemed to be the logical next step to helping writers of all kinds. Through story and personal experience she teaches, encourages and motivates her audience to follow their dreams and reach their goals.

Linda’s purpose in her writing and speaking is to spread seeds of inspiration and give people wings to reach new heights in life.